Books & Book Chapters

  • Book Chapters
    • Li, D. (Forthcoming) Non-transitive Decision Making about Partner Selection in International R&D Alliances. In International Strategic Management: A New Generation, Tallman, Stephen (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
    • Li, L. & D. Li. (Forthcoming) Global and regional strategies of multinational enterprises: A comparison between an integrated global industry and a multidomestic industry. In Research in Global Strategic Management (Volume 13): Regional Aspects of Multinationality and Performance, Rugman, Alan (Ed.). Elsevier Science.Ferreira, Manuel P. (forthcoming) Building and leveraging knowledge capabilities through cross-border acquisitions. in Tallman, Stephen (Ed.) New Generations in International Strategy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
    • Lisboa, Ana & Ferreira, Manuel P. Country of origin: Perceptions and attitudes of Portuguese consumers. In the ‘Global consumer behavior’, (forthcoming)
    • Ferreira, Manuel P., Tavares, Ana & Hesterly, William. 2006. A new perspective on parenting spin-offs for cluster formation. in Fai, Felicia & Morgan, Eleanor (Eds.) Managerial Issues in International Business, Palgrave MacMillan, 67-84.
    • Ferreira, Manuel P., Tavares, Ana & Hesterly, William. 2006. Evolution of industry clusters through spin-offs and the role of flagship firms. in Tavares, Ana & Teixeira, Aurora (Eds.) Multinationals, clusters and innovation: Does Public Policy Matter?, Palgrave MacMillan, 87-106.
    • Li, Y., Li, D., Li, H. & Y. Zhao (2006). The Effect of Organizational Reward and Control on Firm Innovation and Financial Performance in Chinese Technology Firms. In Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, edited by Haiyang Li. Northampton, MA Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Chapter 4: A Spatial Perspective on Strategy”, with Mark Jenkins. In M. Jenkins, V. Ambrosini, N. Collier, (Eds.), Advanced Strategic Management, Basingstoke, Hamps: Palgrave MacMillan, due out in 2007.
    • Tallman, Stephen & Phene, Anupama. Coordination, Appropriation, and Governance in Alliances: The Biotechnology Case. In A. Arino and J. Reuer, (Eds.), Strategic Alliances: Governance and Contracts, 2006: 67-76, Basingstoke, Hamps: Palgrave.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Alliance Capabilities and Alliance Performance”, in M.-J. Oesterle and J. Wolf, (Eds.), Internationalization and Institutions: A Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Klaus Macharzina, 2005: 83-95, Weisbaden: Gabler.
    • Armagan, Sungu, Manuel P. Ferreira, Bryan L. Bonner, and Gerardo Okhuysen, 2006. “Temporality in negotiations: A cultural perspective.” In Research on Groups and Teams, Margaret A. Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix, and Ya-Ru Chen (Eds.)
    • Okhuysen, Gerardo A., 2005. Understanding group behavior: How a police SWAT team creates, changes, and manages group routines. In Qualitative Organizational Research, Kimberly D. Eslbach (Ed.), pp. 139-168.
    • Kirton, Byron, Gerardo A. Okhuysen, and Mary J. Waller, 2004. “Glossary of temporal terms.” In Research on Groups and Teams, Margaret A. Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix, and Sally Blount (Eds.)
    • Tallman, Stephen. Dynamic Capabilities, In Faulkner, David (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Management, Chapter 13, Oxford University Press, 2003.
    • Rockett, Tracey L. and Gerardo A. Okhuysen, 2002. “Familiarity in groups.” In Research on Groups and Teams, Margaret A. Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix, and Harris Sondak (Eds.)
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Alliances, Knowledge Flows, and Performance in Regional Clusters,” with M. Jenkins. In Contractor, F. & Lorange, P. (Eds.), Cooperative Strategies and Alliances, Elsevier Science: Oxford, 2002: 163-188.
    • Tallman, Stephen (2001)”Global Strategic Management”, in M.A. Hitt, R.E. Freeman, J.S. Harrison, (Eds.=, Handbook of Strategic Management, pp.464-490. Blackwell Business.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Strategy and the Multinational Enterprise”, with George Yip. Chapter 12 for A. Rugman & T. Brewer, eds., Oxford Handbook of International Business, Oxford University Press, 2001.
    • Okhuysen, Gerardo A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, 2000, “Excel through group process”, in Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior, Edwin A. Locke (Ed.)
    • Tallman, Stephen (2000) “Competence-Based Strategy and Global Strategies,” General Management Review (India), 1(2), Jan. 2000, pp. 8-13.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Forming and Managing Shared Organization Ventures: Resources and Transaction Costs,” Chap. 4 in D. Faulkner, M. de Rond, (Eds.), Cooperative Strategies: Economic, Business and Organizational Issues, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, April, 2000.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Alles eine Beziehungsfrage,” (originally “Managing Value Creation in Alliances: The Paradox of Embeddedness”) with Phil Davies. Handelsblatt, 20 November, 1999.
    • Okhuysen, Gerardo A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, 1998, “How teams make smart decisions in technology-based firms”, in the Handbook of Technology Management, Richard Dorf (Ed.)
    • Tallman, Stephen (1990) International Cooperative Venture Strategies: Outward Investment and Small Firms from NICs, with Oded Shenkar, Management International Review, 30(4), 1990, 299-315. Reprinted in H.W. Yeung, ed., The Globalization of Business Firms from Emerging Economies, 1999.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Alliance Strategies of U.S. Firms in Mexico,” with Karin Fladmoe-Lindquist and James A. Robins, in H. Thomas. D. O’Neal, and R. Alvarado (Eds.), Strategic Discovery: Competing in New Arenas , pp. 155-169, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
    • Tallman, Stephen. “Strategic and Organizational Issues in International Joint Ventures in Moscow,” with Adam Sutcliffe and Boris Antonian, in P.W. Beamish and J.P. Killing (Eds.) Cooperative Strategies: European Perspectives. San Francisco, CA: The New Lexington Press, 1997: 184-210.
    • Tallman, Stephen. Transnational Marriages in the Steel Industry: Experience and Lessons for Global Business, with Garth L. Mangum and Kim Sae-Young, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1996.
    • Tallman, Stephen (1996) Competence-Based Competition and the Evolution of Strategic Configurations, with David L. Atchison. In R. Sanchez, A. Heene, and H. Thomas, (Eds)., Dynamics of Competence-Based Competition, pp. 349-376. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 1996.
    • Tallman, Stephen (1990) International Cooperative Venture Strategies: Outward Investment and Small Firms from NICs, with Oded Shenkar, Management International Review, 30(4), 1990, 299-315. Reprinted in H.W. Yeung, ed., The Globalization of Business Firms from Emerging Economies, 1999.
    • Tallman, Stephen (1994) A Managerial Decision Model of International Cooperative Venture Formation, with Oded Shenkar, Journal of International Business Studies, 25(1), 1994: 91-113. Reprinted in Heidi Vernon-Wortzel & Lawrence Wortzel, eds., Strategic Management in a Global Economy, 3d Ed., 1996.
    • Tallman, Stephen (1994) A Managerial Decision Model of International Cooperative Venture Formation, with Oded Shenkar, Journal of International Business Studies, 25(1), 1994: 91-113. Reprinted in P. W. Beamish, ed., The Globalization of the World Economy: Strategic Alliances, Edward Elgar, 1999.
    • Hitt, M., Boyd, B. & D. Li. (2005) The State of Strategic Management Research and a Vision of the Future. In Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Dave Ketchen and Don Bergh (Eds.). JAI Press book series.
    • Eden, L. & D. Li. (2004) The New Regionalism and Foreign Direct Investment in the Americas. In Strengthening the North American Community: NAFTA at Ten, edited by Sidney Weintraub. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies.
    • Li, D. (1998) The Unique Management of Toyota. The Yearbook of the World’s Economy, Chinese Economy and Development Committee (Eds.), 761-766, Beijing, China (In Chinese).
    • Li, D. (1997) An Analysis of the Japanese Transnational Banks’ Development. Japan-China Exchanges, Kale B Foundation of Japan (Eds.), 69-78, Beijing, China (In Chinese).
    • Mussi, C., Angeloni, Maria Terezinha & Serra, Fernando Antonio Ribeiro . Knowledge sharing in the context of information technology projects: The case of a higher education institution.. In: Luiz Antonio Joia. (Org.). Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital: Challenges and Opportunities. 1 ed. Hershey – New York: Information Science Reference, 2007, v. 1, p. -.
    • Serra, Fernando Antonio Ribeiro. Marketing Empreendedor. In Maria Cecilia Trannin. (Org.). Branch Marketing. 1 ed. São Paulo: LCTE Editora, 2007, v., p.
  • Books & Edited Books
    • Ferreira, Manuel – Co-autor no estudo “O impacto Económico do IPL na região”, Leiria, Portugal, 1999, publicado como livro. (com Natalia Canadas, Marcio Lopes, Alzira Marques, Elisabete Duarte, Blandina Oliveira, Carlos Silva, Joao P. Marques).
    • Ferreira, Manuel – Co-autor no estudo “O pacto regional: Educação, formação e investigação na região de Leiria” (com Márcio Lopes, Artur Rosa Pires)
    • Serra, Fernando & Serra, Vieira. Estudos de Casos: Como redigir, como aplicar. First edition. Rio de Janeiro: EditoraLab, 2005. v. 1. 112 p.
    • Serra, Fernando, Torres, Maria Candida & Torres, Alexandre. Administração Estratégica: Conceitos, Roteiro Prático e Casos. 1. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Reichmann & Affonso Editores, 2002. v. 1. 178 p.
    • Tallman, Stephen (Ed.) New Generations in International Strategy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
    • Child, John, Faulkne, David & Tallman, Stephen. Cooperative Strategy, Oxford University Press, 2005.