Submission guide

– globADVANTAGE – Center of Research in International Business & Strategy –
– Working papers –

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We encourage the submission of papers intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals or proceeding volumes, and discourage the submission of any form of reprint.
We accept and welcome research work by professors and researchers from any national or foreign school.
We are particularly interested in receiving papers by young scholars, papers that break the usual boundaries of fields, that are creative and path breaking in their methods and approaches. But we also accept the more traditional approaches to the disciplines and fields of research.
Although, we do prefer to welcome papers related with the broadly defined areas of International Business & Strategy, papers in other areas of Management will be considered.
After acceptance the working paper will be formatted appropriately and a cover page added. A full version of the paper will be available online.

How to submit a paper
Create a single file with a complete version of your paper (complete with cover page, abstract, text, tables and figures, references, footnotes) following the submission instructions for authors presented here.
E-mail us this single file.

When your paper is published in a journal, book chapter, or other printed form, please e-mail us telling us where it was published and provide us with a full citation.

The authors should follow a set of guidelines in submitting their work to the working papers:
• Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout, including references.
• Notes to the tables and figures should be single-spaced.
• Use 2,5 cm margins on all sides.
• Page numbering starts on the title page and follows consecutively.
• Use the standard Times-New-Roman 12-point font throughout the manuscript.

Title page
The title page should include the following information:
• A concise, informative title
• Names and affiliations of all the authors
• The contact information (mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address) of all the authors
• Informative keywords
• The authors should include any and all acknowledgments in the title paper.

All articles must necessarily include a one paragraph abstract of less than 200 words.
The abstract appears on page 2. Note that the abstract should entail a clear description of the research purpose, theoretical basis of the hypothesis, analyses, and implications of the findings.

The text of the manuscript begins on page 3. Page numbering should continue through all pages of the manuscript, including footnotes, appendixes, references, tables, and figures.
• The text should be formatted using Times-New-Roman 12-point font and double-spaced throughout.
• The main sections’ headings (or first-level headings) should be written in Times-New-Roman 12point, bold, capitalized, and centered.
• The subtitles (or second-level headings) should be in Times-New-Roman, 12point, bold.
• All footnotes and endnotes should be numbered consecutively.

Main or first-level headings are used to designate the major sections of the manuscript. In most cases, three or four main headings are sufficient. Main headings should be centered on the page and typed in all capitals. Example:


Second-level headings should be left aligned, with major words capitalized (and not underlined). Example:
International Strategies

Third-level headings should begin with a standard paragraph indention and be typed in capital and small letters with only the initial word capitalized. The text will follow immediately after. Example:
Institutional environment. The institutional environment is an essencial …

Footnotes should be used sparingly. Minimize their use. Material that is pertinent should preferably be worked and integrated in the text. Footnotes should not be used for citing references. Similar guidelines apply for endnotes.

Please minimize the use of abbreviations. Abbreviations may be used if necessary, but should appear in parentheses the first time they are used in the text – for example: “Multinational Corporations (MNCs).”

Tables and Figures
The purpose of using figures and tables is not to duplicate the text, rather they must be informative and complement the text to clarify, present evidence and further information to the reader.
Each table should have the word TABLE and its number, as well as a title centered in the page. Example:
TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics

Tables should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the article. The position of the table in the manuscript should be indicated in the text as follows:

[ Insert Table 1 about here ]

Similar rationale and procedure should be followed for figures. Example:

[ Insert Figure 1 about here ]

Please note that each table and figure formatting should be as simple and clear as possible. Avoid using shadows, colours, and any special formatting that may confuse the reader. All tables and figures should have a consistent presentation.
Each table and/or figure should be cited in the body of the text and placed as close to the first time it is cited as possible.
Each table and/or figure should be numbered consecutively and have a descriptive title. For tables, each column must have a heading describing the data in the column below. Footnotes and accompanying explanatory material should be kept to a minimum.
In creating your tables and figures consider that each column and row in a table should have an heading that is informative of the context on the cells. Each figure should have a legend that permits clearly understanding its message. Moreover, consider not embedding tables and figures generated with other software in a word-processing document without first converting them to the word processor’s native format.

Sometimes the author(s) may need to present lengthy but essential methodological details. These details may be presented at the end of the manuscript as an appendix. If more than one appendix is needed, appendixes should be numbered consecutively: APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so forth.

An alphabetically ordered (by the last name of the first author) list of references, all of which must be cited in the text, should be included at the end of the manuscript. References should begin on a separate page headed REFERENCES. The references should be presented in author-date style. Only the work cited in the text, notes, appendixes, tables, and figures should appear in the “references”, and all the references need to be cited in the text.

 The citations to references should be designated throughout the text by enclosing the authors’ names and the year of the reference in parentheses. Example: (Barney, 1990).
 For two or more publications by the same author(s) in the same year, list them alphabetically by title and use 2002a, 2002b.
 In the text, references can either be cited in chronological or alphabetical order.
 If a work has two authors, cite both names every time the work is cited in the text.
 If the work has more than two authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations of the same work, conclude only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” (not underlined) and the year. Examples: (Franz, Johnson, & Schmidt, 1976.) [first citation] (Franz et al., 1976: 23) [second citation] However, for works with six or more authors, use only the surname of the first author followed by et al. whenever the work is cited.
 Multiple references are separated inside the parentheses by a semicolon (;) (e.g., Barney, 1990; Tallman & Fladmoe-Lindquist, 2002; Johanson, 2005).
 When the citations require indication of a specific page the page number is also cited inside the parentheses. Page numbers must be included in a citation to provide the exact source of a direct quotation. They should also be used when specific arguments or findings of authors are paraphrased or summarized. Page numbers follow the date of publications given in parentheses and are separated from it by a colon. Example: (e.g., Meng, 1997: 62) (e.g., Johanson, 2005: 67-69)
 If the name of the author cited is part of the text, only the date should appear in parentheses: “Johnson (1996) emphasizes this in his study; other views are also expressed by Becker (1991), Cleland et al. (1998), and Knight and Song (1999).”

Some examples of formatting references:
Follow the form: Authors’ Last Names, Initials. Year. Title of article or paper. Name of Periodical, volume number (issue number): page numbers. Example:
Zenger, T. & Hesterly, W. (1998) The disaggregation of corporations: Selective intervention, high-powered incentives, and molecular units. Organization Science, 8 (3): 209-222.

The list of references follow the form: Authors’ or Editors’ Last Names, Initials. Year. Title of book. City Where Published, State or Country): Name of Publisher. Example:
Yin, R. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 2nd ed, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapters in books
Chapters in books follow the form: Authors’ Last Names, Initials. Year. Title of chapter (in lower-case letters except for the first word and first word after a colon). In Editors’ Initials and Last Names (Eds.), Title of book: page numbers. City Where Published, State or Country (only if necessary to identify the city): Name of Publisher. Example:
Ferreira, Manuel P., William Hesterly & Ana Tavares. A new perspective on parenting spin-offs for cluster formation. in Felicia Fai & Eleanor Morgan (Eds.) Managerial Issues in International Business,  67-84, Palgrave MacMillan,.

Papers presented at conferences
Ferreira, M. & Tallman, S. 2005. Building and leveraging knowledge capabilities through cross-border acquisitions. Paper presented at the Academy of Management meeting 2005, Hawaii, USA.

Working papers
Ferreira, M., Tavares, A.T., Hesterly, W. & Armagan, S. 2006. Network and firm antecedents of spin-offs: Motherhooding spin-offs. FEP working papers, Research – work in progress, nº 201, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto.
Unpublished manuscripts
Masters and doctoral dissertations fall under this category.
Cheng, L. & Zhao, H. 1995. Geographical patterns of foreign direct investments in China: Location, factor endowments, and policy incentives. Unpublished manuscript, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Economics.
Smith, M. H. 1980. A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Texas, Austin, USA.

If a periodical article has no author, the name of the periodical should be treated like a corporate author, both in the citation and in the references. For exaple, a reference to an article published in the newspaper ‘Wall Street Journal’ should be as follows:
Wall Street Journal. 1984. Inflation rate may cause Social Security increase. September 24: 14.

Internet sources
Statistics South Africa, South African Population Census 1996,
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural statistics of former USSR republics and baltic states, 1996,  (accessed May 16, 2001).

Biographical Sketches
Although not obligatory, authors may consider including a short biographical sketch of about 50 words for each author. This sketch may include information such as: the author’s highest degree, current affiliation and position/title, current research interests, and so on.